Monday, September 17, 2012

How I lost my Clorox endorsement

I just thoroughly disinfected this computer from the stomach flu bug that my husband suffered from this weekend.....ALL weekend long. Poor guy. It was quite horrible to watch, and if I were completely honest, it was quite horrible to think about getting. In fact, I had a few hours on Saturday night where I actually had myself and others convinced that I might be getting sick too. So I ate a few saltines and sat on the couch to watch football and made the girls do the dishes and BAM! Miraculously, cured.

I have PTSD from being pregnant with Eli. It didn't go well, see. So, now, whenever I have an inkling that I might be a bit, sort of nauseous, a little, I start sweating. I feel panicky. I look around the room for a way out but then I know I can't leave. Look at all these kids who need me! Flash back to lying on the bottom of the shower floor and wretching my guts out for months and months on gutwrenching month on end, the room spins, the room is spinninggggggg....PTSD. I wasn't lying.

Anyway, I'm totally fine now.

Infection wise.

Which is why I'm writing on this now sticky computer. Because you can never be too careful. But now that I'm experiencing this sticky computer for the second day in a row I'm realizing, I don't think Clorox wipes were made for electronics.....

Steve is better today and probably going to go to work, which is great for him and for me, well, I'm going to work today too, but I'm exhausted! Talk about a busy weekend alone with the kids. Hold on a sec, my Dunkin Almond Coffee is done brewing.....smell it?

Trust me, it's amazing. Most things are greater in form with Rediwhip on them. Betcha didn't know.

Which brings me to my next topic. Weight loss.

I'm on a mission to lose 30 lbs for my 30th birthday. Obviously, not BEFORE my 30th birthday as this has already passed...but during my 30th year. This came about a few ways.

1. My stretchy jeans (already a bit of an embarrassment thigh wise) became not stretchy.
2. I felt bad. ALL the time.
3. My kids scoffed at my bad choices that I wouldn't let them have.
4. 30 for 30 seemed cute.

I'm not who I used to be and that's totally fine with me. If I were that skinny again, I wouldn't know what to do with myself, honestly. But I do want my stretchy jeans to fit again, And I do want to feel good again. And I do want to be a good example for my kids. Make the scoffing stop? And cuteness, well......

My cousin Brandy in AZ, someone I love and wish I could be friends with in person, directed me to, a website also a product of the Lance Armstrong foundation. You can specify man/woman. I chose woman. You can track your food. You can put in a goal. I put in 1 lb. a week. I figure this is doable. You can track your fitness. It adds up your calories. There is community. There are fitness and health articles. It is a wonderland if you ask me. It is F-R-E-E.

You know, I feel so good these last few weeks. You would have thought I were a new person altogether. I've gone above and beyond what the site has asked me to do because I feel good. I want to take care of myself. My kids are involved too. Example: if they won't stop bothering me about making cookies, then we have to go for a walk and a jog and play tag at the park for an hour to work out because mom will definitely eat a cookie and more than likely some dough. And we did. And I burned way more than I ate. And the point is that I planned it before I did it and it was accounted for and they helped me and we did it together.

I've got a feeling that this time will be different. That by 31, I'll be down 30 for least? We'll see.

Now if I get this stomach flu despite typing on this sticky computer, know who I'm coming after. Don't mess with this worn out mom with PTSD who is trying to lose weight. DO NOT.

Thanks for being there for me in other ways though like your bleach spray that I use ALL THE TIME and the way your wipes smell lemony fresh! Love them!

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