Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Brand New (and hard to get to)

Baby Julian is born!!! My precious perfect baby boy nephew. He was born as I was in D.C. and even though we thought about flying me back to be there for the birth, I knew by talking to Lianna that by 7 PM that night, it would be waaay too late! And it was.

It turns out, this was the way it was supposed to be and I'm so glad it was. He was born just the way she wanted him to be, and I won't take that story away from her here...that's for her to tell later, when the craziness calms a bit. For me, I just want to be an auntie and brag and tell MY story of baby Julian, aka..the hardest baby to get to in the world! (But so worth it).

I was approximately....906 miles away from baby Julian when he was born, that is 13 hours and 56 minutes of drive time or 2.15 hours of flight time. However, fate would not allow and that plan was just right anyway. There are no regrets there.

I thought I'd go right when I got back! Monday night...I'd pick up the kids right after I flew in, we'd drive there, see him, drive back quick, go to work on Tuesday.

Monday I landed. I had the worst migraine that night. I think the flight gave my ears and head a beating to remember. So I medicated and slept and vowed that by weekend, I'd see baby Julian. I couldn't wait!

One LOOOONG work week later.....

Might be.

We're Iowans....right? A Thursday storm. Pft. We'll be on the road by Friday. For sure.

Except Saturday, as we were still going 25 mph on the interstate, we finally pulled over and decided that Altoona (a few mere miles from our house) was far enough for that day. We saw Santa at Bass Pro Shop, got our fill of cammo, and headed home.

But, we were bound and determined to see baby Julian.

Undeterred, Sunday....


Disclaimer: (I stole ALL these photos from my sisters facebook. She knows I do this.)

Aren't they just the cutest family you've ever seen?! Congratulations Lianna, Shawn, and Lenora the Great, on the most beautiful Julian in the world! We are so glad to finally meet him, aged 1 week....Whoop whoop!!!

While we were there, we fit in a quick Christmas celebration. See how we did that quick in one day? Here is Bam whipping out a gingerbread train with all of her grandkids! Powers' came too! Best day everrrr!



Happy 2013 everyone!

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