Sunday, December 8, 2013

What you remember

When the girls were little, I would write down every detail of our days. Where we went, what we ate, who we met up with, the weather. My blog posts were full of summer days and kiddie pools, sprinklers, popsicles, malls and playdates, books and naps, baking and bike rides. Pictures of pigtails and sunglasses and swimming babes. Details, details, details.

I realize as they've gotten older and Eli has been lovingly thrown into the wild mix that there aren't as many of those detailed posts and I will tell you quite honestly, it's because I can't remember a damn thing anymore.


But today was special and I am writing it down now lest I forget. Likely.

This weekend, the boys are back at Steve's parents working on snowmobiles and it has left us girls here for a girls weekend. We've done what we always do when Eli is gone. We eat dairy. Lots of it. We went out for pizza with some old Polk City friends and I got to chat with an old friend I haven't seen in a while on Friday night. Saturday was the 10th annual Christmas Movie Marathon at Powers'. Best party ever. And my blouse was as stunning as ever and the shoulder pads still very paddy. My version of ugly sweater.

But today we had a home day, all day. We didn't leave the house at all. I can't remember a day like this in so long. We always have somewhere to go, somewhere to be. And today, Olivia was supposed to have Girl Scouts this afternoon but it was canceled too, and frankly, we were glad. There was a light snow that began in the morning today and lasted all day. It continues now. The snow kept us here today and we were thankful.

We played, baked cookies, organized our desks, had a visit from friends in the morning, played in the snow, stirred our cocoa with candy canes. We snuggled under homemade quilts and watched Looney Toons and giggled until we fell asleep on the couch. I taught Olivia how to wrap presents. We spoiled Rosie and let her stay in the house today. We played Nintendo until we were cross-eyed. The girls helped me chop tomatoes and avocados for tacos tonight and we ate together and talked about what it would be like when they went to college and what it was like when I was in college (oh geez) and what they might be like when they grew up. (It's not that far off Olivia reminded me). I knowwww.

"Was Daddy adorable and handsome back then?" Sophie asked. "The boys in my class are just weird."

I think he is now, don't you?

"I'm not going to have babies until I'm 40." Olivia said.

"How much does it cost to go to Iowa State?" Sophie asked. "When I save up enough for me, I'm going to save up more for other people to go."

Now they tromped upstairs to jammie up and they hollered down asking for me to read more of The Hobbit and I most definitely will.

I hope they remember this day. They might. I will. Because even though I can't remember my own birthday most of the time, I don't think I could ever forget this day.

I remember some things from being their age. I remember being awaken in the morning to "Better go look out the window....quick!" My mom would say. I would FLY out of bed to see it. SNOW!!!! I remember my mom tying bread sacks around my feet before I shoved them in my boots so my feet would stay dry in the snow. I remember the blanket that my mom bought me for my bed that I'd snuggle up with while I'd draw pictures in the frost on my window at night. I remember how my Dad loved to decorate for Christmas. It was the coziest, most festive place on Earth. I remember the warm rush of air when I'd walk in the door from the cold and the sleigh bells would clang on the back side of the door to announce my arrival. I remember the smell of chili and the color of our couch. Zoey Leon, our giant white cat, stretched out on the back of the loveseat.

It is so good to remember home. Even though I can't remember my own name most days, I do remember that.

I hope the girls remember home, this day, how much I love them.


K said...

I love this, Mel. You're beautiful.

Unknown said...

I'm glad I cancelled Girl Scouts, too. It made for a cozy night here too :). I remember days like this from my childhood, so I'm betting the girls will too!