Thursday, August 12, 2010

In x amount of minutes

I truly miss writing. Right now, I'm frantically typing while making quick sideways glances at the drooping headed baby in the car seat on the floor...slightly fussing, going to wake up at any moment.

I've noticed that my life lately has been jam packed into a series of hurry ups, into two hour increments to be exact (if I'm lucky). For the baby needs to eat! Or he has just dropped a bomb of poop, which is not said to be crass, but merely truthful. When he goes, you KNOW. Last night, I was changing his diaper and he had blessed me with #2. As I wiped his bum all clean he forcefully pushed out all that was left in a forward stream onto my lap, the couch and dripped down to the carpet. To help me wash that up, he started to pee on me as well. Sweet, sweet baby gifts. :)

I don't mind this, granted. I adore my baby and I adore the time I spend with him. I just wanted to write this down, because I apparently forgot how crazy life with a baby can be. And he's an easy baby too! Remember Olivia baby? Eh....

This morning I stole a few minutes on the phone with my good friend Sara. We grew up together and now she lives cleeear over in the Eastern part of the state. I, in the middle. But she did make it to my baby shower as my surprise guest, and I was surprised, and I couldn't have been happier to see her. She has a relatively new baby as well. We agree on the awesomeness of non-sleep. We laughed at what a day is really like and the things we say outloud that we never thought we'd say before. For me, I have the privilege of having older children in this crazy mix as well, so things come out of my mouth like, "don't eat that balloon again" and "I just sat on a chair soaked in red Koolaid". (All true and all this morning in about a 15 minute time span).

It's funny living life this fast. It's only x amount of minutes until the baby squeals again and I just might...just might get a shower if I put him in a bouncer in the bathroom with me and I put the girls in front of the tv just for a minute (don't judge me) while I shower, maybe. Have I succeeded? I wonder this as I step out of the shower and dry off frantically. Then I see them. Um....I have showered, but the girls, in the meantime, have both eaten a package of pop tarts, a granola bar, animal crackers and a big bag of blueberries and are drinking milk out of sippy cups on my living room floor. Someone has dropped the pitcher of Koolaid out of the fridge on the ground and used white towels to "clean" it up and then put the soaked towels on the fabric chair. (I sat on it before I figured this out). That'll learn me.

But, praise God, they are all still alive!!!!

Yeee hawww!

And that is what I have achieved by 8:39 a.m.


erica sloan said...

Sounds oh so familiar...can't wait to see all that Noah has in store for me once he figures out that he wants to pour his own milk, cut his own hair, etc. This is the stuff, Mel...this is the stuff.

Tanya said...

It's true what they say... you forget babyworld so easily. I can't say I miss it though! I love your sweet attitude though and am glad you're happy!

Just a Boring Mother said...

It was nice seeing you today. Your girls really are delightful and very energetic. I'm sure they will be a great help as they get older.
Let me know if I can do anything to help you out at all! I'd be glad too!