Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sophie the Fierce

Sophie the Fierce started the Big K last week. On Wednesday to be exact. And while I talked her out of a few outfits before this one, we are still bound by outfits that are "fierce". You know...black, blue, brown, soccer jerseys, or clothes that have bugs or animal print on them. Even though my little blondie is a tomboy now, I insisted on a picture by the flowers (mostly weeds this year...been a bit busy), just like her sister had done. Although Olivia was drowning in pink on her first day. :) Honestly, I don't care what Sophie wears. I just love her so much. She is just the coolest little Sophie I know. And since I'm incredibly late posting this due to a broken computer cord, I can tell you that her first day went well. I walked her down to the bus stop. She voluntarily gave me a big hug and kiss goodbye. And I ate it up. After all, she was my baby for 6 years, and I know that voluntary hugs and kisses at the bus stop are not forever. She is my dream come true.

She also started soccer this week. Her big sister has moved to gymnastics for her activity, but Sophie has remained true to soccer. It's more "fierce". Oh, and this year the uniform is red. Sophie says this also qualifies for her wardrobe.

I can't believe I have two kids in school. It's just so surreal. Just me and Eli during the day. We enjoy our days together...as he is just the best baby ever! Oh, and a side note mom-brag....he sleeps from 9 pm to 4 am daily.


I love you Sophie! Happy first year of school sweet pea!




Anonymous said...

She is the cutest form of fierce I have ever seen!

Lianna said...

I love that kid!

Sweet Hawkeye jersey, too. :)

Just a Boring Mother said...

Enjoyed seeing you, the girls, and Eli at Fareway a few weeks ago. We should get together sometime. It would be fun since we live so close.