Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kudos to the mamas + it's FALL!

Kudos to the mamas that have raised three children before me. Wow.

Things have been busy around here lately. It's busy just being home. It's insane to consider even going to the store. But since school started and there's some resemblance of a schedule in some of our lives, things are going a bit better.

Updates on us:

We'll start small....

Eli the 9 weeks old! His current activities include:
  • establishment of good and mostly easy breastfeeding. This is an accomplishment for us and we're proud. I owe much of my success to my mom and my friend Erica for their undying support and tips.
  • smiling and laughing
  • looking adorable in tiny man outfits
  • sleeping from 9-5 every night!!! 
Eli loves to go on walks with Mom and loves to rock in the chair and watch Price is Right. (Who doesn't?)

Sophie the Fierce:

  • Sophie loves the Big K. 
  • She takes the challenge of good behavior and the Prize Box at school verrrrrry seriously. She moved her clip on the stoplight ONCE and went so ballistic that her teacher emailed me to detail what happened, I think, in case I sued or something. It hasn't happened again and she's so full of excitement about the prize box she can barely speak. Sure hope there's something good in there....
  • She loves soccer. We weren't sure if we were going to keep her in soccer after her circus display at her first game. Perhaps not old enough?? But we threatened her with being off the team and bribed her with slushies for excellent behavior only (these are solid parenting tips folks) and waaaallaaaahh....a well-behaved soccer girl.
Olivia the Grown-up:

  • Olivia loves the 2nd grade. Her teacher's personality is a lot like hers and it makes for a much easier year. However, the magic 2nd grade has brought on a magical amount of GRADED Yep, everything is graded now, and it makes me a bit nervous. I find myself saying things like, "Why did you miss this one? You know that. Pay more attention." And then I feel terrible because they should be happy little kids still right? Achieve AChieve...ACHIEVE children!!!!!! I feel like that's what we do to them. Sigh.
  • She LOVES gymnastics. Almost fanatically. Which is fine, because I pay for it fanatically. She looks born to be a gymnast in her adorable leo (whispered.."leo")...some of you are getting my movie reference. I love watching her tumble and swing and roll and flip. Adorable. 
  • Olivia has taken on the role of a grown-up and likes to enforce rules on the lower people (aka...her brother and sister), mainly her sister because Eli just drools so far. But she's a big help when it comes to getting things done and being responsible for herself and that is just fine with me. 
Steve and I are doing well too. Steve is busy at work and likes to bother me about buying a duck boat. Ah ha ha ha HAAAA! Yeah right. We'll just park it sideways in our lawn and be super classy like that. I have to remind him often that we live in town and already have more things than we can fit in our driveway. Plus, I'd just adore more payments to make. Wouldn't you? But boys can dream....

I started writing for Here's my link if you are interested. This is a far cry from what I do here. I have to write actual articles (not stories about myself), and include something local in them, like stuff about Des Moines or Iowa. It's fun so far and I like the challenge. Check them out here:
We're heading off to do some Fall camping tonight! We've got the camper ready to go. I love everything Fall so this makes me giddy with excitement. The fire will be awesome on a chilly night! It might be bad parenting to take our kids out camping on a school night, but there's plenty of time to be stuck inside because our doors are snow-drifted shut (in a few short months if not weeks). So we'll go to bed on time and do homework still, just in a much more fun setting.

I'm kidding myself about going to bed on time.

I know.

Rosie Posie Clark and Tigress the Fish are doing well too. They are also gearing up for a great Fall season.

I made pumpkin bread yesterday. Whoop whoop! Who's with me? 

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