Sunday, March 27, 2011

THAT kind of girl

Me: Sophie. Go outside. You are driving me crazy! 

Sophie whines: But Olivia won't play with meeeeeeee!

Me: Go ask Johnny to play (her best friend next door). 

Sophie: He only ever wants to play fighting games and killing!

Me: Well, I thought you wanted to be a boy. You should like that stuff too then, right?

Silence. Thinking.....

Sophie: Well! Boys are GRROSS! 

Me: smiling internally...

Me: Sophie, I hate to be the one to tell you, but it's official.......




Sophie, trying to hold back her smile: Well. All girls are into fashion and that crap and I'm NOT! 

Me: Deal. 

And Sophie went out to play. 

I love that kind of girl. Specifically, I love this girl. 

The End


Lianna said...

I love her!! She's just the best! You can tell her that Aunt Nanna is NOT into fashion! :) I'm into digging in the dirt in the garden, taking my dogs for walks, and painting.

Jan said...

I love her, too! She is perfectly, wonderfully, SOPHIE! I was never a fashion girl, either, and I think Sophie and I would have been great friends when I was 6. My favorite things were to go to the park, play with animals, and play in the sandbox. I haven't changed much...Can Sophie come play with me?