Sunday, April 1, 2012


I want to take a post and give a shout out to my MOM, the loveliest, most generous woman in the world. I emailed her earlier this week....a weak little cry for help that went something like this:

Hey Mom! How are you? I'm good. 
Except I'm not. I'm falling apart. Ever since I got home from the hospital, I have this horrible cold. But it's just getting worse and worse. I feel terrible.I'm overwhelmed. I can't stop coughing. My household is falling to pieces. Is there any way you could come this weekend and help me? Except please don't if you already have plans. I mean it. I will understand if you can't come, Mom, and I don't want you to change your plans if you have them already., let me know. Either way. 



My mom's response: 

Of COURSE I'll be there! But stop feeling guilty. I'll be there. 

And she was. And I won't ever forget it as long as I live. She came to take care of us. She was our Queen in shining armor. She cleaned, she cooked, she parented my children, she organized, she laundered, she shopped, she talked to me, she spoiled us, she LOVED us. And we love her. 

Our Bam. Thank you for coming to be with us. Thank you for teaching us what it is to be a woman of integrity...I want to be *just* like you when I grow up.

We love you, Bam!


Jan said...

Aw, now you went and made me cry... :-) Happy tears! It was the least I could do and I got so much more out of it than I gave. Now go back to the doctor please. I hope your next post is about how healthy you are. I love you and your beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story. Moms rule. Nuff said! Except for if you need anything else, please dont hesitate to call! Why were you at the hospital???