Friday, August 24, 2012

New beginnings

No, I'm not pregnant. 

It's the END of August, folks. I'm just the girl who used to blog sitting here a month after my last post jumping back in like nothing happened, but it has. A whole month has gone by. 

O & S went back to school this week. We were pumped. We had a few new clothing items, some nicely done hair, newly made lunches each day, new teachers to love and learn from, a new season of soccer to dominate. 

(A disaster of a house, a leaning pile of papers to sort through, shoes and clothes and soccer balls strewn throughout the universe. Food on my carpet and no one with time to vacuum. Realizing I'm a mom driving a mini van to soccer practice and that makes me a......)

There's a flip side to everything, see.

However, I do love the minivan. 

We can do this, right?!

Just look at them. 

Aren't they huge?

We were late on this day. I wanted to drive them to school but time was short. We were already in the van and buckled and we were leaving the driveway and then I shouted, "PICTURE!!!" So we jumped out and got in front of the house just like we ALWAYS HAVE, because, I thought...we might not have that backdrop by this time next year so it was ever so more important that we did, and here it is. Not much to the unknowing eye, but E-V-E-R-Y-THING to me. 

These are my big girls. The ones who were babies yesterday and big today. And every year they are bigger and bigger and bigger. 


One year goes by, one month does too.

Hang on tight. 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Mel, I love reading your blog. You are such a joy to an aunt that watched you do the same thing--get bigger and bigger. Now look at you. You are beautiful and loving and just the way you should be. Who cares about the food on the carpet or the vacuum cleaner with dust on it? (That's mine..) You are loving your kids and your husband and being right square in the middle of God's will for this season in your life. Thanks for sharing.