Sunday, July 29, 2012

New adventures

There's a sign in our front yard. 


That's what it says. 

When it went up I cried. I knew that we were doing this. I actually chose this. But I still cried. Was this a mistake? We are happy here, after all. 

For years Steve and I have dreamed of living in the country. I have LIW in my bones! Anyone???

Answer: Laura Ingles Wilder. We'll refer to her as LIW from now on. 

I desperately want land to plant things and grow them. I want to grow our own food. I want to learn how and teach my girls how to can and cook and save and grow. I want to watch them run free with Rosie Posie Clark. No fences needed. The best view for the best sunrises and sunsets in the world courtesy of Iowa. A front porch to sit on. Stars brighter than you've ever seen. 

This is what we dream of. 

After some decent self reflection, I've come to understand why I want these things. It is not simply wanting things or different things in different places or my ongoing wish to be LIW. It's a lifestyle I want to achieve. It's simplicity and self-sufficience. It's to offer my kids what I want them to remember most about their childhood. Hide and seek, bugs, trees, forts, tag, gardens, animals, dirt, beauty. And I believe the back drop for that (for us anyway) is out there, surrounded by corn stalks. 
Up until now, we've been all talk. But recently, the time just seemed right. If it is childhood memories we want to give to our kids, we better get crackin. Have you seen Olivia lately? Lord, help us. 

Let me clarify too. We have it so good here in our house on Phillips Street. We have the best neighbors in the world that have provided our girls with best friends and a good home to be in every summer. We have more than we could ask for here. But the time is here to try. We can't talk about it forever. We have to try. And this is what we're doing. 

We found a place around here. It has a blue house on an acre of land on a gravel road outside of a small town. Did I tell you I used to say I'd live in New York and be a journalist? Irony. 

We love the blue house. We love the grove of trees and bushes and the fire pit and fenced in garden and machine shed (also blue) and front porch and flowers. 

We hope that this works out for us. In fact, we've chosen to believe that it will. I've said it here and I hope it doesn't jinx anything, but I needed to say it here and make it real, because that's ALL that is going on around here lately for us. That's what this blog is for. I document our lives here. So how could I leave this out?

Do you know how hard it is to keep an immaculate home with three kids? I had no idea until I had to achieve this for none other than strangers I'd never set eyes on. But here we are and this is what we're doing. 

I believe God has a plan for us. I know it's not life or death, or world changing or significant to most. But it is a path that we hope God will bless for us. And if not, well, I suppose that will be for another time and day. For now, we believe this little blue farm was made for us.

We pray for a buyer for our house. Someone that'll love it like we do and be good friends to our neighbors. We pray for someone to see it like we do and enjoy it like we have. 
We pray that the timing is right for us and our efforts won't go to waste. 
We pray for Blue house. 

As my mom would say during any unpleasant or unclear situation or event...."Think of this as an adventure!" 

We used to roll our eyes at this. I know we did.

But now, age 30, I know this to be true:

Mom advice = good advice.

Phillps: You are adorable in every season. Here's to new adventures.


Tara said...

Sister! I am so SO excited about what's next for you! I love your vision and your faith. The steps that you are taking in that faith! Yaaaaay! Praying for the blue house you love and for someone to love your house!

Rev. Dave said...

Mel, I'm with you...I've been wanting to move back to the country for a while. But we've got at least 4 more years here (until Beth is done with grad school). So I have the little garden we have for now...but I still want the boys to have space to roam outside and big open skies.