Monday, September 24, 2012

Just come on in

We're basking in the aftermath of sheer embarrassment.

Yesterday, we came home from camping. We unloaded TERRY, our trusty camper, with all it's dirty laundry and dishes, blankets and food, pillows and stuffed animals, get it? I sorted piles on our living room floor to put away. Dirty dishes were piled in the sink. We needed groceries first so I could buy soap and laundry soap to tackle this mess. Sure, no prob. I picked up a billion dollars worth over Eli's nap.

When I got back and put most of the groceries away, started one load of laundry, and then Steve was rearing to go take TERRY back to his storage space while it was still light out. Yeah, sure. Fine. We can do that. I'll tackle this mess when we get back.

We went. We came back. There was a card on our table that an agent had just shown our house.

A strong wave of nausea came over me and I thought I might pass out.

I looked at our house.

I started crying.

We had no idea anyone was coming. Obviously there had been some miscommunication here. 

Look, I'm not perfect, but this was the epitome of all that was glaringly bad at one given moment, piled up in stacks. I'm not sure how they got in the door actually. I wonder what they thought of my bras hanging out to dry?

I called the number on the business card, "Um, were you just at .....?".

Yes, they were.


"Oh, my. I can't believe this. We had no idea anyone was coming. We just got back from camping and we emptied our camper, obviously directly inside the door and took the camper back and we came back and your card was here and we're SO INCREDIBLY mortified!!! Are you still with them? Can you please tell them? OH MY GOSH. Please please please apologize to them for this."

She said she knew something wasn't right.

Oh, really? How could you tell?!

Oh yeah, also, our giant yellow dog was in the back yard too. I'm sure they had a great time trying to see that. 

I'm going to crawl in a hole and never EVER EVVVVERRRR sell my house again.


I'm sure there was a lesson in this. Go ahead, let me have it.

Have mercy.

1 comment:

Rev. Dave said...

Oh Mel...I confess to laughing at the poor coincidences of events there and totally feel your embarrassment in that. I would totally have felt a wave of crappiness rolling over me upon coming home and seeing the card.