Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Not from my hands

Lately, I've been getting up early and opening the windows downstairs if they aren't already, because Steve and I fight about temperature, and listening to the morning. Since we are currently under polar vortex in July er whatever, the breeze is cool and I need a blanket. It makes my coffee taste supremely good. Lately, I'm living a Folger's commercial. The early morning....it's magical.

God gives us some amazing gifts in life. I'm not saying he's a magical wish granter or anything, although I do believe he answers prayer. I'm just reporting to you that sometimes I look around my life and I remember what a mess I've made of things. I remember the choices that were not the best, and also the ones that were downright wrong. I see the things in me that aren't good. I know they are there. Something about acknowledging that opens my eyes to the things and people around me that are most definitely not from my unsure, shaky hand, or a product of all my hard work, or a result of my super great planning or anything that I could manipulate to achieve a result. Some things are just gifts. Some things are so beautiful, how could you say that you created them? That you made it happen?

When I plant a seed, I can give it all I think it needs. I do this and I love to do this. But can I make the seed pop out of the ground? Can I reach down into the dirt and make it reach it's body toward the sun or force it to open it's flower? Can I insist it produces fruit for me to eat?

Gifts. Some things make you deny yourself, deny the power of your hand, remind you how small you are, yet loved so much and in infinite ways, and be thankful.

How beautiful.

 In the beginning...
And then......

In retrospect, I planted a lot of watermelon.

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens." James 1:17

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