Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dare to...

Can I dare to say how happy I am this week? Coasting in on a new wave of attitude and thinking about my job, I'm floating on calmer seas. (Refer to last entry). In this knowledge that life is not all about me and what results I can get, I've been feeling fulfilled, thankful, with an easy heart that asks for help often, knowing that I can only do what I can do to the best I know how. This knowledge has brought freedom. And wasn't that His point anyway? I feel more like myself, and prouder of myself when I'm refraining from tearing myself down all the time. This has led me to be more upbeat, stronger, and able to be there for others who need it. That's where my heart should be.

This has also led me to make some changes for myself, but ultimately for many reasons, that have been a long time coming. There is a new lifestyle stirring around in this house, and it has stolen away six of my pounds this week! How dare it? But I like it and it feels like somewhat of a game and at the same time, a spa treatment perhaps...a holistic way to keep body, mind, and spirit in check. I'm very excited about this. I'm very motivated for the future look of Mel. I've noticed that with positive feelings about myself, come positive thoughts and positive actions. There just might be something to this "taking care of yourself" thing. Stay tuned.

Yesterday, we celebrated a family valentine's day of sorts. I stopped on the way home from work to get some gifts for the girls and Steve. I found two tiny stuffed puppies for O & S. Sophie named hers "Sella Motor" and Olivia named hers "Valentines Love Clark". Then, I was graciously granted an hour long nap. Then, the girls woke me up to go sledding (I'm normally resistant to this activity but gave in for this day). Steve had come into the room with an arm full of snow gear and began dressing me in it as if I were a baby. It made me laugh though, and I felt warm enough to venture out. We just went a few blocks over to the PC park. There were a few kids already there. I was so excited, I took the first dive down the hill on the green sled. It was awesome. Then we all took turns jumping on top of each other and flying down the hill. We left when Olivia was going to pee her pants and returned to the house for our "cocoa party"...aka...the girls get hot cocoa and watch a movie. I picked Nemo.

Suddenly, I started to smell this glorious smell and followed it to the kitchen where Steve was making me the best dinner ever! Herbed salmon from the grill and sauteed peppers, squash, carrots, and zucchini, salad and fruit. It was delectable. After that, we watched Transformers together. This was my gift to Steve (but also Olivia and Sophie who love to use words like Megatron, and Optimus Prime). Optimus Prime is a funny one from the neon girl with a slight lisp. Anyway, we sat together and the girls were super excited and jumped up to bang their heads to the music when Optimus Prime breaks into the scene. We laughed and had popcorn and wrestled and did airplane. It was a fantastic night and we all slept like babies...except for me who went to bed too early and then stayed up listening to Steve snore....

Hope all your Valentine's Days were as fulfilling. We're off to church, then over to Dan and Amy's for smoked ribs. Mmmmm...have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I loved ending Valentine's weekend with you at Dan and Amy's! You are a great mom! (and daughter)

Tara said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! God saves the day!

DO keep us posted on the whole positivity's contagious, and I'd like to get it caught. (How's that for passive grammar? Who's with me.)

Love you,