Thursday, January 27, 2011

News from the Clark babies

What's new with the Clark babies? Eli learned how to roll over! (Better a smee late than never). Check it out:

Wait. What just happened?

Did I really just roll over?

I hate this Mom! Help me!

Here are some other pics of Eli. Poor kid. But I couldn't resist the bath baby butt. 

The girls have both been a big help taking care of Eli. Olivia loves to pick him up and carry him, which terrifies me. Sometimes I say no, sometimes I look away. But I do restrict her to sitting with him and not walking around. Eek! Sophie just likes to say "Hi Buddy!" and make Eli smile and giggle and snort. We've been working on helping Eli sit up. He's still pretty tippy, but we have occasional success. He got his first ouchie at daycare yesterday when he toppled over onto a toy. He just had a tiny bruise on his forehead, but I still died inside thinking of him hurt and sad. Poor baby. Poor mama..for being a crazy over her last baby. :)
Here are some pics of the kids together...

Sophie is her own person

Can you see the drool in action?

We've also had a fantastic adventure making a gingerbread house. More pics to follow. Have a great day!


Lianna said...

The "Sophie is her own person" comment made me die! haha! Also, Eli is becoming quite the little blondie! Do we have another neon haired baby in the making??

I love your kids!

Jan said...

Thanks for the great updates! I LOVE LOVE LOVE these kiddos!!! Eli is NOT a smee late....he was just waiting for a good reason. Smart!

Kendra Wheeler said...

I love seeing all three of those beautiful kids! I can't believe fast they are growing up! I kind of still picture the girls being much has been way too long since I have you and that crew of yours! I miss you.

Just a Boring Mother said...

What is Eli on in the bathtub? Tell me more about it please.

Unknown said...

Abigail- it's just a towel :) I lay one down in about an inch and a half of water and he lays down on the towel. He stays in one place and doesn't bang his head when he tries to sit up. It was my mom's idea and it works great!

Tara said...

Woman, you make me laugh. The Eli caption are PRICELESS. Priceless! You are just a funny funny mama. I love you. And miss you. We should, you know, talk sometime. Like with voices. That will happen soon, you know, with you working days and then being with our spouses at night. Right? Oh, totally. (I'm not depressed at all at our prospects.)