Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's so hard

It's so hard....bleeping wanna bleep bleep bleep, bleepin bleeping bleep bleep bleep bleep's so hard...

Thank you Big Pun, for writing a song that I can post 3 words from.

Theme? Having 3 kids is hard. Watching them grow up is harder.

I miss blogging! But when can you do it, really? With a baby that gets up at 5:11 on the dot IF not 4:11...someone PLEASE help us. Blogging? I'm trying to shower daily.

Weeks are flying by lately. Even Steve said that last night as we drove to a friend's party. (This was probably the first time in 6 months Steve and I have driven somewhere ALONE and actually had a conversation).

While cliche but true, time flies.

Steve also said another funny yet true comment yesterday...."You haven't really been sick in a while."

"I KNOWWW!!!!" I said..."It's because I work DAYS now. It is so funny what sleeping during the night does to you and your immune system, no matter how broken up by baby time it is. However, I know some of you are really missing the random hospital visit drama though. Sorry about that.

So I'll stop whining about Eli and sleeping. Because really, things in our lives are so much improved since the job change last December. Truly, we couldn't be happier. My kids are happier. My house is messier, but even that, I know, is temporary.

Olivia turns 9 in January. NINE. Do you know how close that is to 18? Well, with how time has flown's practically tomorrow. And Soph, who was my baby for 6 is 7. Whaaaaat? That being said, I think it's best if I enjoy this speedy little life God has blessed us with, with my tiny little babies who aren't actually babies anymore.

But please don't tell me that. I haven't exactly started their scrapbooks yet. :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Love you Mel. And so glad you are managing to blog even just a little bit! 'Cause I miss you. And this is a taste of why I love you. Seriously, I'll take two sentences. Whatever I can get. xoxoxo