Sunday, November 25, 2012

Extreme Holiday

We just got back from an epic Thanksgiving celebration. It was complete with family I haven't seen in forever that drove in from far away (Aunt DebbieDebbie) and with family from near that I don't see nearly enough. It gave us time with my beautiful Grandma Betty (GG) as she is called by the littles, who hosted this gig in the big room in her apartment building. It included a get together of all of our little tiny people running around all red faced and sugared up and laughing hysterically and NO, you cannot have more dessert. 

But I love my family most because after that was said and done, were they done? Nope. We had Black Friday to celebrate. 

The girls in our family normally head out for some early morning shopping and that's not the Black Friday deal I'm talking about. This year, Black Friday consisted of black cherry pretzel dessert, black forest ham (not just any old ham..but a special pig selected by Shawn, cured, smoked, and prepared all by Shawn=BEST HAM I'VE EVER TASTED BLACK FOREST HAM), black bean salsa with black tortilla chips, blackberry pie........mwahahhahahaha! Who is having fun yet? We are! Word games too. Lots of them. Scrabble. Upwords. And Wii.


I love my family. They are so much fun. 

And shopping this year was the funniest it's ever been too. Lianna is ssssuper pregnant right now so we toned it down a little bit: 

Me: "Um, I don't know. You probably need your sleep. So, should we just go out like at 5?"

Lianna: "Sure."

2:30 a.m.....Lianna texts Mel: "I have to pee and I'm hungry. Want to go shopping?"

Me: "My air mattress is completely flat and my hips might be broken, but if I can walk, yeah sure."

There were no lines, no mean people, nada. I don't know where they get those news stories, but it isn't where we go I guess. Lucky us. We did see these two sisters, probably in their 50's wearing giant reindeer antlers. We both looked at each other and mouthed in unison, "NEXT YEAR!"

We walked to Java House with our kids in a wagon. We had a birthday party for Lenora. 

We had SO MUCH FUN. 

Thanks to God for the family we were given. Thanks to the Cornally's for hosting and theme-ing and scheming the living daylights out of this holiday. 

Since we love extreme holidays, we thought we'd get together next weekend at Powers' for the all day long annual Christmas Movie Marathon! 

Happy Holidays.........Let's DO this!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am so happy to be a branch on your family tree. You make me laugh and I make you laugh and we laugh a lot when we are together. Is it a nut tree? Yes.