Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Out with the old....

and no longer useful no matter how is a rainy cold day perfect for organizing and rummaging, and filing, and recycling. Old curtains from when we moved in, tableclothes long shrunken and faded in the dryer, STACKS of papers from nursing school that I'll never use, or want to use, again. A stack that has been growing, intended for Goodwill. Reluctantly choosing only my favorite artwork from each stage of my girls' arthood, recycling the anatomy workbooks and lab manuals, tossing the nursing cds from the back of the text books, which I can't sell on anyway. I neatly folded remnants of countless packages of tissue paper from gifts hastily bought on the way to the party, no matter how much I had of it at home, now all placed in a bag with recycled gift bags, ready for the next gift. Paystubs and physicals, immunization records, pictures, games stacked neatly on the shelf, $30 in checks I haven't cashed yet, and a $20 gift card to Target scored from a pile of unpaid bills, diamond in the rough. $5 in an old book bag and an unopened Women's Health magazine. What could be better?A neat, organized home? Although my achievement should feel greater, it doesn't. This was only our office. On to bigger, and better the laundry pile.

Happy fall!


Lianna said...

can I hire you for my storage room?

Tanya said...

You inspire me. :)