Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A tribute to Zoey

Yesterday, the best cat in the world entered kitty heaven. I know he is in heaven, because he has been angelic from the start. He was the gift of my dreams following my baptism at 12 years old. The only thing I wanted was a pure white kitten, to which my mom took seriously, this request, and looked all over to find an all white kitten. "Is the kitten ALL white?" my mom would say on the phone. "It maybe has a yellow spot on his belly? Well that won't do". Maybe it didn't go exactly like that, but she did in fact deliver the perfect, perfectly white, long-haired kitten.

At first, we believed that my little kitten was a girl and so I named her Zoey Lynn (the middle name after myself) Powers. This little kitten would hide in our basement in Pomeroy until she either heard the food bag rustle or until I stood at the top of the stairs and screeched in a very high pitched voice, "Zoey Lyyyyynnnnnnnnnn!" And the kitty came running, pouncing up each stair and slipping on some but always up as quickly as possible to me, open arms and waiting at the top of the stairs. This kitten did not meow like normal kitties. Instead she said, mmmmmMMMMMM? She was the best kitten ever. A she? Oops, a he...we soon found out that we were indeed wrong on the sex of this cat, not that it mattered, but we altered his name to fit his gender, now lovingly named Zoey Leon Powers.

This was a kitten that could not harm a fly, literally. He'd catch them, then let them go. When two fish joined our family, Lewis & Roland, I found Zoey sitting sadly by their bowl of spilled water and their tiny lifeless fish bodies on my carpet. Did Zoey eat them? No. He simply wanted to play with them. He was devastated that they were gone and he waited there, next to them, to let me know how sorry he was...and he was immediately forgiven.

Zoey Leon grew bigger and bigger and BIGGER and BIGGER until he was the biggest cat ever, I think. He loved to eat. Eventually, we had to put him on some what of a diet, to which he lost some of his poundage but not all. He was a very majestic cat and he knew it. He'd perch up on top of the couch or chair and rule over the lower lands.

When Steve was so allergic to him that he couldn't breathe any longer, I gave up Zoey and he became a community cat. He lived with Mom and eventually, Lianna and Shawn and their dog Lucy. Lucy and Zoey were buddies and fought and picked on each other, lovingly of course. The Cornally's put him on a real diet and he lost all of his overweightness and turned into quite the skinny little kitty, but always beautiful...long white hair blowing in the breeze. He had a very happy life, loved by all, especially me....well everyone loved him deeply. When he stretched his paws out wide and made himself long, he measured nearly 4 feet I'm sure. Adorable fuzzy belly. Zoey understood some English too. Like, "do you want to be brushed?" To which he'd replied with excited purrs and perts and leg rub-bys. Smart kitty.

This will end this tribute to the best cat in the world....pretty Zoey Leon Powers, the community/family kitty. I'll always be grateful to Lianna and Shawn, Mom and Dad, who adopted him and loved him just as much as me. We miss him already.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful tribute, Mel. Your story about how I got Zoey for you is exactly right. His home was the first place I called and I rejected him because they thought he had a little yellow on him. I tried everywhere else and couldn't find a pure white kitty, so thought I would go check this one out after all. I certainly couldn't find any yellow on him. He was a beautiful, pure white fluffy kitty, just as I imagined you would have. I think he changed his colors just for you, and so he came home with us that day.

Lianna said...

Lucy wants everyone to know that she misses her pet kitty and is lonely without any white kitty heads to chew on. As I was cleaning out Zoey's cave under the stairs, Lucy made a run for his litter box and got one last mouthful of kitty litter. Gross? No, I think it's love.

I am so happy to have had Zoey as a roommate and friend these past 2 years. He is, without a doubt, the best kitty ever. I love you pretty kitty katters!

Tara said...

Awww, makes me reconsider my anti-house cat policy. I love the picture of adolescent Mel and her loving go-to-the-ends-of-the-earth mama. You've got a fabulous family Mel Clark!

Miss you always,

Tanya said...

Awww, sweet. I'm sure he is happy in kitty heaven! And I can't believe that's you in that picture! You look so different.