Friday, July 3, 2009

Rainbows and Unicorns?

To build off of my brother Dan's best phrase (I think), sometimes it's not all rainbows and unicorns, but sometimes it is.


Today we got to spend some really good time together as a family. We went to the mall and ate Taco Johns. Yess... then we gave the girls piggy back rides through the mall and let them play for a bit at germworld. The look on Olivia's face was priceless when we showed her on the way out that she was actually too big to be in the play place now. Sad? Proud? Confused? How-could-this-be-happening type of look. Priceless.

We took long naps. We played outside with the pup. We watched a movie and ate hors'dourves. (Cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, and keylees (kiwis sophie style). We were clearly rule breakers going outside to the garage in the rain at 9:30 p.m. to play with the Rosie Pose, jump rope and ride bikes. Then we heard the fireworks in the distance. We ventured out in the rain to try and find them but couldn't. So we hopped in the car and raced to find the source, and find it we did. From the marina. So we parked and watched them and laughed at Sophie's hysteria. "That one was so close it blew my eyes out!" She was scolded for that one even though we were all laughing out loud at her.

So, it turns out that things can just be all sunshine, rainbows, unicorns and what not. I'll take it. Even on a rainy day.

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