Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The perfect weekend

So this past weekend ROCKED! Saturday morning, Olivia played in her first soccer game of the season, scored a few goals, made mama proud, and then we sold some Girl Scout cookies at the mall for a couple of hours. After that, we headed out to the campsite to meet up with Steve, Sophie, and Eli. 

This was our first voyage of the season and it was perfect. The weather was unseasonably warm, but still quite cool at night...perfect for a fire and giant marshmallows. We played bouncy ball, went on a long hike along the beach, Steve wowed us with his rock skipping skillz, the girls rode bikes, we grilled meat, and sat in camping chairs. What more is there really?

Eli slept horribly, as did I. We drove home around 4 am and we slept until 8 and then rejoined the group for breakfast. There was a huge raccoon fight underneath the camper where we accidentally left the bag of dog food and in the morning we found bloody coon prints everywhere. Nice. 

Anyway, see a few pics for yourself. One of many more weekends with TERRY to come. 


Jan said...

Sounds wonderful! I want to join you sometime soon. OK?

Jane D. said...

I love it that you start camping early in the season and don't wait until it's perfect out like so many! Awesome family time in God's great outdoors!