Friday, April 8, 2011

Pity parties are contagious

I was just reading my sister's blog (who is there and is awesome)...we had a teacher that talked that way for real...anyway, she was discussing pity parties that we have  for ourselves and I realized that I'm having one too! No way! They must be contagious.

I'm EXHAUSTED! Who understands working? It's really hard! Getting up. Going there. Coming back. Picking up small people. Busing to various activities. Can't a girl do nothing and love it? (That was a Dad quote except he didn't call himself a girl).

Can I do nothing? Nope.

So there in lies the basis for my pity party. I yearn for laziness but alas, cannot find it.



Jan said...

Ooo, let me help! Summer is coming! Come sit on my swing in the shade and drink lemonade and watch the garden grow while I play with your children in the sprinkler! Or, again follow your dad's advice and go camping until you "rot". Heehee! Ah, the wisdom of fathers. They are smarter than you once thought.

Lianna said...

Nothin wrong with a lil pity party every now and then!