Friday, April 1, 2011

TERRY'S maiden voyage 2011

Tomorrow we embark upon our first camping trip of 2011. TERRY is sitting proudly in the driveway, being primped and preened by Steve and Sophie as we speak. Olivia and Eli are fast asleep in their beds, with visions of marshmallows and Gerber peach puffs dancing in their heads.

We're sticking close to home for the first trip of the season, because we'll inevitably forget something vital and have to go back home. But we're excited! It's supposed to be nice out tomorrow too.

What else is new?

Eli is finally feeling better and acting like himself again. AMEN!

Soccer has started. Olivia's first game is tomorrow. After a sobbing fest after she realized she's on a team of all 1st graders and she cried and cried about how unfair life was, I think she's just a little bit excited for her game tomorrow. And I have a sneaking suspicion that those 1st grade girls won't be so different from her as she believes right now. Believe it or not, my heart still aches for her, even for 8 year old heartbreak.


Ahhhhh ahhh ahhhh heart break...warfare...

Woe to the mothers who feel all the feelings of their children right alongside them. Does this mean I have to relive junior high again too?! Ugh.


I really love my kids.

Here's to the maiden voyage of TERRY 2011!

I raise my rainbow drink and poptart to you! (The Powers family knows what I'm talking about).


1 comment:

Lianna said...

I'll see your "rainbow drink" and poptart, and raise you a Kudos bar and some breakfast Ramen!

P.S. Since when did you get all high and might and stop calling them "barrels"?