Monday, August 15, 2011

Beautiful morning

I've recently fallen in love with the morning. I'll duck while you throw something at me for being so annoying.

I love the morning, but just like everyone else, it is hard for me to get out of bed. Eli squeaks and then yells BY 6 a.m. e.v.e.r.y s.i.n.g.l.e matter what.  I roll my eyes. I wait it out, hoping it will go away. But it doesn't. So I trudge into his room (I'm sure it's a terrifying sight), messed up hair, eyes half shut, tripping because my legs don't work yet...but then he starts bouncing in his crib, hanging onto the bars and jumping up and down like a cute little blonde monkey. And then I pick him up and he snuggles into a big bear hug and I rock him back and forth like that for a moment. It's a perfect moment but it only lasts for just that. And then he pushes away and dives for the ground. It's a brand new day, mama! Things to do. Things to see.

We pull the curtains back in his room and see what kind of day it is. His eyes get big when we look to see what's happening outside. And after a new dipe and a bit of food, we take off in the now, COOL morning air for our walk. This walk has become my favorite time of day. There's not a lot of people moving around our little neighborhood, and although the busier streets are full of cars, they are a few blocks away. So for now, for then, the world as we know it is not disturbed. Except for the crickets and birds of course. They are as loud as ever. The sky is perfect. It's a little chilly but just enough to confuse you as to whether or not to wear a sweatshirt. The flowers in the yard are all blooming and exquisite.

I push my little bright eyed baby up and down the big hills. The weights that always hang over my shoulders are suddenly not there. No thoughts of bills or schedules, money, obligations, or must haves, but most importantly....the have nots have disappeared. Because I realize, that we actually have it all.

A morning walk can equal an hour of meditation, a clearing of the mind and renewing of the spirit, communion with God and with nature, all disguised as a sleepy mom, with an early rising baby...making the best of having to be out of her cozy bed where her husband still sleeps under the roof where her big kids are still asleep too, reminding me that...this won't last forever. But I suppose I wouldn't mind if it did.


Lianna said...

Perfection. I love when you write like this!

Tara said...

Mel, you're an example for the kids. M has been waking up at 6:30a or 7a, nursing and not going back to sleep, which is a rude awakening (puns! no puns!) for this post 8am risin' mama. So I've been sitting her on the bed next to me. And she hits me in the head or pulls my hair. And THEN gets impatient. So far I'm still buying the extra horizontal time. But maaaaaybe I should just get my shoes on. Love you, woman!