Monday, September 12, 2011


I missed church this weekend because we were out of town. But our church now lets you watch the sermons online if you miss it, which I love, because I often do miss it.

The sermon this week was so profound to me. It was more than I can reproduce here for you, so I'm going to encourage you to listen. I listened while I was cleaning my house, but I found myself scrambling to shut off the water at the sink so I could hear the words better, and running back near the computer from the other room so I didn't miss a thing. And eventually, I found myself just glued to the screen, soaking in what God was saying to us through Pastor Mike this week.

Please listen here when you have time. Click on Rocky IV, Into the Mourning.

One part of the message that I will reproduce here, as I wrote it furiously in my journal as well, is this:

"What evidence is there that you have changed...that God has made a transformation in you? What is it that tells you that I was not put on this Earth for comfort? I was not put on this Earth to consume. I was not put on this Earth to see what I could get out of it. I was put on this Earth to serve, to love, to give, to deny myself and the things around me, to take up my cross and follow him. 

And the beautiful irony of that is that's where joy comes! That is where fulfillment in life comes. That's the life I've always longed to live! Have you figured that one out yet? That Jesus has called me to follow him in a very honest, down to Earth, and truthful way? To stop living for the things that don't matter." -Pastor Mike Householder

I don't know how God does it, but he speaks to my heart week by week through the church, in the most profound ways about the things I struggle with day to does it all mean?! Why are we here? What am I supposed to be doing?

I don't know how He does it, but he speaks these answers through the pastors, the church, the people around me, and straight to the heart of the my questions in a way I just don't understand.

He must be God or something.

Listen here.

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