Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life is Good

Life is so good.

This is a conclusion I came to today while meditating over coffee at Barnes & Noble. Before the moms reading this blog freak out at my apparently large amount of free time...it was part of our class assignment (the best class in the world) to spend a few hours perusing books and drinking coffee. At first I said NO! That sounds terrible. I won't go. But someone convinced me.

Just kidding. I loved it from the start. I love books and I love writing. We were supposed to find something inspirational to us and enjoy it. At the end of the session, we were to explain to a friend why we chose what we chose. I gathered a large stack of interesting things...some religious, some parenting, a cookbook, etc. I sat down to read. I scanned a few, but no inspiration. So I took them back. On my way back I found the very best section of all. The most beautiful books I've ever seen (3 whole rows!). I was in heaven. I opened the pages and flipped through them all. They were all blank. Journals! So beautiful! I ran my hands over the soft leather covers and crinkly pages trimmed with gold, turquoise or red, some hard backed with magnets to close them tightly, some with ribbons or velcro, some small and some large, intricate designs and plain. I spent an hour there flipping through journals (as if I'd find something), but I did find something. I found the most wonderful red journal that spoke to me, "WRITE IN ME!" So I did the logical thing. I walked away from the lady at the desk staring at me strangely for apparently reading something that was blank for an hour and I sat down and I wrote in it. But as I wrote in it, I confessed to the journal that I had technically not purchased it yet, but I would soon.

As I wrote, I reflected on things. My friends, family, God, our home, my job, the weather, Target. I love it all. I am so very happy, and so very grateful that I can be happy. Thank you God for all that I have been given, that I may give to others as well. What a gift this life can be.


Anonymous said...

I was in a cool little store today called Squiggles. It is full of everything from junk to art. I was instantly drawn to a table of books beautifully decorated and...you guessed it...they were empty! The most beautiful journals I had ever seen! I wish I had bought you one. I hope you paid for the one you wrote in today. :)

Lianna said...

Hey Mom, what's with your blog being unaccessible??? C'mon now.

Hey Mel! I can't believe I never thought to buy you a journal for a present before. I'm dumb! Lovely entry!