Monday, March 2, 2009

Old enough

My mom pointed something out to me this morning during our AM phone call. On Saturday night, we all gathered in our little house here in Polk City to have a meal together as a family. My mom and Darrell, Lianna and Shawn, Dan and Amy and Hannah, all in the living room after a taco salad. I suggested we play a game. Despite the groans, I knew it'd be fun and it was. The girls sat on the laps of their aunt and uncle, and played right along with us. Hannah cruised around the ottoman and gurgled and babbled happily. We had a great time. As Mom was recanting all of this on the phone, I realized, YES. The girls were not screaming, screeching, whining, fighting, crying, throwing things, or demanding every ounce of attention from the crowd. They sat, they played, they were big. Old enough to roll with the big dogs (as Olivia would say). And I'm proud of them. Because it's too many times that I focus on what I'd like to change about their behavior or that I count down the days until they outgrow this stage or that. But now, I'd like to saran wrap this time up, that it might not grow any more, that they might just stay the way they are, precious awesome little people. People that constantly make me laugh, temporarily frustrate me to no end, but mostly make me wonder how it is that parents can love their kids THIS much.


Anonymous said...

And just when you think your heart can't hold any more love, you become a grandparent and you are surprised all over again!

Lianna said...

Sophie was a FABULOUS partner! I don't know how I ever played Apples to Apples without her! :)I love your kids!