Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thanks Mom & Darrell!

We got a fabulous gift tonight! Mom and Darrell gave us their bed!!!! We can use our old bed for a guest bed and now....drum roll.....we have a head board AND a foot board. Background: (This excitement stems from a couple who has never bought a piece of furniture in their whole lives except for last year when I got hives all over my feet and thought it was bed bugs and we purchased a new mattress and box spring. That's it though). So, needless to say, my excitement overwhelms me. This means people can actually stay with us comfortably....not that our couch (also courtesy of Darrell) isn't wonderful, because it is...but still. I'm pumped!!! Just when I took pictures of our new beds though, my camera battery went dead. So I decided that I'd document our new home improvements, bathroom and all in pictures tomorrow. We are so very grateful for this gift!!! We are also so very grateful for the best parents in the world (even without gifts)...they rock it out of the park. Love you guys! Thanks so much for the awesome gift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are happy with it! And we will be happy to use it when we come and stay. Thanks for the cute phone pics! See you this weekend - wooHOO!