Sunday, July 29, 2012

3-0 and 2

I turned 30. We went camping to celebrate.

It was a big deal.

Not because I cared about turning 30. It was because my family made it a big deal.

I have never had a party this awesome. I probably never will again, and that's fine....because I'll be too old anyway. Ha!

I received 30 presents for my 30th birthday from my mom and sister and family. Can you believe that? Leave it to my family to waaayyy overdo gifts. You should see our Christmases! For all you grinches out there, stop with the commercialism lecture quick and listen. Some people speak the language of gifts. It doesn't matter how small or how big, used or new. If it was given to you, it means something. It means a lot. And that's the type of person I am. So this was BIG for me.

I unwrapped the makings for smores the first night. Each ingredient was wrapped, so yes, I did unwrap a box of graham crackers. I also unwrapped a telescopic marshmallow stick. Believe it. It's extendable.

Coffee, mugs, wine, sunscreen, lotion, lip stuff, lanterns, beach umbrella, 7 tickets to SkyZone, which we used immediately. It was the greatest day ever. Gift card to Panera, framed pictures of Eli and me right before his birthday party began, and so much more.

It was about living in the moment, having everything you need and more, and spending the weekend with the ones you hold dearest to you. What more could I want?

We celebrated Eli's birthday too. The big 2. We can home from the hospital on my birthday. It's you and I buddy. 

Another homemade cake masterpiece

 A BIG thanks to all of my friends and family that came out and surprised me and helped us celebrate the day! And an HUGE thanks to my hubs, mom and sis....thank you from the bottom of my 30 year old heart. I'll never forget it.

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