Saturday, January 24, 2009


A winter swing

Here are some photos of our hot 41 degree day activities! We made a laying down snow man that Sophie named Frosty. We seem to keep missing the thick, wet snow, so we have to be creative and modify. The girls also had a good time having a winter swing. Rosie attacked Sophie in mid air and knocked her off her swing, but unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of that.

Sophie felt the need to retreat inside after her mauling. That's why you don't see her alongside Frosty anywhere. She watched from inside through our plasticed over picture window. She didn't seem to mind!

Today, we attended our friend Chloe's 3rd birthday party. Steve went to Ames tonight to hang out with his brother Jason, and the girls and I made a "breakfast supper". I didn't have any pancake batter so I wondered if people actually made their own. To my disbelief, my cookbook had it listed! I felt crazy so I whipped it up! And it was good!

Tomorrow we are going to church because I sorely miss it. Between the holidays and work and travel, we haven't been there in weeks. I need a pick me up. And I miss dressing up my girls like little dolls. Tomorrow is our day.

Our heatwave is long gone now. Today's high was 9. I think it's ridiculous to even add up the temperature when the high is in the single digits. The weather man should just say, "Way colder than you want it to be or even know". That would be sufficient.

Well, I'm off to enjoy the girls night festivities! Indoors of course!

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