Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm snow over it

April snow showers bring.....ANGER!!!! Just kidding. We decided to make the best of it. So the girls played outside while the neighbor boy pelted them with snow chunks and I prepared a nice tea (cocoa) party for the girls for when they froze enough to come back in. They were happy as clams to get back out in the snow. Steve slept in the chair. I watched like a mother bear waiting to pounce and teach the neighbor boy a lesson....but I didn't attack. I decided that this moment was a life lesson for these city girls. Don't you remember the feeling of getting pelted in the face with an ice chunk? It's part of life. So I stood back.

Our tea party was fun. I washed the tiny tea dishes and we had cheese and strawberries and cocoa. Afterward, the girls picked out their favorite Barbie movie and our day was complete.

I have a school project due tomorrow that is supposed to be an aesthetic representation of our overall health and well-being. So, I decided to paint my first painting of my adult life. Here it is. The ball of fire represents me. The dark clouds surrounding me, my past negative feelings of unhealthiness and illness. The ball is heading to a brighter horizon of health, improving as it goes. It's no Picasso, but I enjoyed doing it. Thanks to Mom, who drove to meet me to give me a new art set. Thanks Mom! It was an enlightening experience....

Here's to upcoming Spring...which is actually coming...I know it!!!


Lianna said...

Yay paint! Let's have a painting party. I want to see your painting in real life--it's awesome!


Lianna said...

and WOW! you guys got a lot of snow!

Anonymous said...

I want a paint party!!!! Your artwork is fantastic (totally worth the drive and more). I loved your snow followed by tea party story. It brought back many memories. :)

Kendra Wheeler said...

Um....I LOVE LOVE LOVE that painting!!! It is beautiful!