Friday, April 10, 2009

Soccer momma

Olivia had her first soccer practice yesterday in Polk City. She is playing on the age 6 and under team and got paired with her best friend Taylor, which she is stoked about. I was a little worried as I watched Olivia tackle Taylor and roll down the hill before practice. They are a troublesome two...but they did alright.

Olivia likes to make every experience a fun one, so she jumped up and down constantly and danced around while getting directions, but other than that, turns out little miss Livy is a soccer natural. She was fast and quick with her feet, and even stole the ball from the coach when told to. We're so proud of her, and we're anxiously anticipating her first game. It's going to be hilarious!! Stay tuned...

"Pictures, Mom? Seriously?"

Yay for soccer!!!

Soccer mama

Soccer momma

Chilly first practice

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