Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New things

Spring is officially here. 80's are in our forecast this week and we couldn't be happier, except Steve of course who mourns for snow (weirdo). Anyway, I went to Earl May yesterday and asked the experts for plants that are extremely hard to kill. And this is what I got:

Our lilac bush with tiny lilac buds on it...STILL alive from last year. Ha!!!

Things I don't know the names of. But last year that flower bed overgrew with flowers so I cut back on the number of plants I put in this year. That lily grew back from last year! Accomplishment!!!!

The most beautiful shrub I've ever seen! So I bought it. Mom helped me plant it and the girls got in the way, but we managed success.

Our funny little house from the front minus the fruit trees. I couldn't span wide enough.

Hanging flower basket

From the front porch

One of two barrels

This is Olivia's first soccer game! I was too busy screaming to take many photos. She scored two goals and no one went the wrong way! Steve wore Olivia out the morning before the game by taking her on a two hour hike so she was a bit tired by game time. But she pulled through and was a soccer prodigy...if you ask me.

This is Sophie's new Victoria Beckham inspired hair cut. We are in Target for our celebratory post hair cut shopping experience. I have new hair as well but no photo as of yet.

Crazy Victoria

Well, these are just a few things we've been up to this week in Clarkland. True to my promise, here is my weight loss status update: (you will notice I backtracked two lbs. in the past two weeks). Back on track this week with a loss though!

Goal: 50lbs.
Lost so far: 15.5
Lost this week: 1.5
Lbs to go: 34.5
Goal date: August 19th

In other news, I recently applied for a job in the intensive care unit at Mercy. I got a call back yesterday and an interview scheduled for Monday at 9:15. I'm very curious about this job. I know it would be stressful but wicked fun if you ask me. The more drips I hang the better....that being said, I want to be placed where God wants me to be. I don't know if this is it, so I'm praying for STRONG direction either way. So please pray that my interview Monday is either really good or really bad. That's the first time I've prayed for a bad interview. The perks to this job are that they do self-scheduling, meaning nurses say when they want to work and they get it for the most part. This is a HUGE plus to me seeing as how my children and my schooling get in the way of a no-schedule-conflict life. My current job continues to screw me over in this area. The second plus is that it is full time nights. No more switch back and forth and screwing up my mind and body. Just a constant screw up of my mind and body. :) But in all seriousness...a better shift to be in for me so far. The third and most important perk I can foresee in this job would be fulfillment of my dream to do something that matters. I find myself caught up in gossip and pettiness lately (unwantingly), and I think its because people have time to do so on our floor. I don't want time for that. I want to care if my patient is going to live or not instead of who said what about whom...etc. I'm looking to help out where needed, and lately, I'm not feeling too needed where I'm at. I may have a complex about wanting to make a difference, but honestly rings true through writing and that's that.

So, pray if you will please. I want to do the right thing. Happy planting season to you as well.

Happy Spring all!!!

Mel green thumb with fingers crossed Clark


Anonymous said...

I love the plant pictures at your adorable house! I am glad I got to help with at least the beautiful bush. I am praying for your interview and your continued success on your weight loss. (Pray for me on that one too). Thanks for blogging!

Tara said...

Woman! I'm totally praying that this interview ROCKS. Pray your way through it girl...I can't wait to see what happens.

I love you!!