Monday, April 20, 2009

These are my confessions him. Anyway, I need to confess something because I'm living in denial. What better way to do this than to make it known via blogger? Now I'm held accountable by you. Thanks!

I have slid the past two weeks with my diet and exercise and I feel like a total slob. Riding the wave of my high flying 16 lb. loss gave me a false sense of confidence and comfortableness...I felt better in my clothes, better in my life, pretty much overall better in every way. I've tried to figure out why I chose to sabotage myself these past two weeks and I'm not sure why. But I do know that I want to get back to the daily grind, back to self-control, back to is an overwhelmingly happy place to be. So, let's forget (but not completely) the past two weeks and let's move on shall we?

Dear self:

Here are the reasons you and I want to lose the rest of this weight and be healthy:

-I want to not have diabetes or heart disease
-I want to be a good example for my daughters
-I love to run and I want to do that without dying
-I love to swim and I want to do that without making others want to die when they see me in my swimsuit
-I want to focus on my children when we're out and not how much cellulite I have on the back of my legs
-I want to enjoy shopping (I already do 16 lbs. lighter. Imagine 50!)
-I want to be comfortable with who I am
-I want my spirit to match my physique
-I want to honor myself and remember that I deserve to be healthy, I need it.

There. I got all that off my chest and I can refer back to it now. I'm inspired to do this by my friend Debbie's blog who I found today through Amy's blog who I met through Amy...anyway...she is also on the weight loss expedition and blogs about it nearly every week. I think I might need to do that as well. A constant reminder to me, a constant update to you, and an accountability (I do not want to have to post a 6 lb. gain for the world to read about). But I will...if it keeps me accountable.

My goal: 50 lbs. by August 19th
Total weight loss so far: 16 lbs.
The rest of the way= 34 lbs.

I've got a ways to go. I'll let you know where I'm at when I weigh in this week. Until then...keep me accountable. Just say no to going out to eat and milk. Milk is my obsession!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have slacked off myself, Mel. It's easy to get comfortable instead of pushing on to the goal. Your honesty in your blog is an inspiration to me to get back on track and finish the course. Thanks! Let's keep in touch on this.

Tara said...

Woooo! Go Mel! I love Usher too! Wooo!

Big hugs and loud cheers,