Tuesday, March 9, 2010

All this for a fish

We visited Petsmart the other night. You may think it's easy to buy a replacement fish for Slimey, the one who recently met his maker....but turns out....it's not.

Me: Excuse me, do you think you could help us get an angelfish?

Lady: Looking suspicious...."Are you a professional fish grower?"

Me: "What? Um...no. We just want an angelfish to replace our other fish that just died." I gestured towards the big blue eyed sad kids by my side.

Lady: "Well, how big is your tank?"

Me: "Oh, about the same size as the one the angelfish are in."

Lady: "Do you have a filter?"

Me: "Yes".

Lady: "Angelfish are semi-aggressive and they are also school fish. You'll need at least three. And your tank is not big enough. They'll get a few inches bigger."

Me: getting peeved at this point...."Um...could you please just get us out an angelfish? It's what the kids' hearts are set on...so if you could just help us out, I promise you, we'll provide the fish with a good home."

Lady: "FINE."

Me: trying to lighten the mood..."it won't live that long anyway".

Lady: AGHAST. Expression of disgust and a large sigh.

Hmmmm...perhaps I said the wrong thing?

Well, whatever...we are now in possession of not one, but two angelfish to complete the trio of awesomeness down in the plenty large pink aquarium. Swimmy, Sharky, and Pretty: the happiest fish in the world. 


Lianna said...

"it won't live that long anyway" !!! Hahahahaha love it!

Tara said...

Dude! That is an intense pet shop interaction. Fish must be that person's passion??