Friday, March 5, 2010

Because I said so

Here are some pictures from some of the LAST few days of winter. Because I've said so, winter is officially over. And if it snows again, it will be one of those freak spring snow storms no one expected, because it certainly won't stick....

We've had 40 degree days lately which = HOT here in Iowa right now. So we ventured outside for some "spring" activities. Like....

Ice fishing in the driveway. This has to be my very favorite thing that Sophie chooses to do. We put an orange on the hook for safety purposes (and to attract the big ones), and away she fished. She was ecstatic we had actual puddles instead of an arctic frozen wasteland. It was adorable.

Snowmobiling! that a spring activity? Yes. Because I said so. Happy Spring!

Is that not *THE* cutest snowmobiler baby you've ever seen?! Yes, I called her a baby.....and she still is...because I said so. ;)

1 comment:

amy powers said...

Sophie is such a riot! Ice fishing with oranges has to be her best idea yet!