Monday, March 8, 2010

This phenomenon

This is off the subject of what I planned on writing about, but.....

I just watched my neighbor from across the street, get in her SUV, drive out of her driveway to the mailbox and drive back into her driveway. Will someone please shoot me when I get THAT lazy?

Anyway, on to less judgmental topics.

To beat the subject to near death...and I'm sure this won't be the last post of this nature....but who's excited about the weather?!!!

I'm not the only one who freaks out over 40 degree weather. Facebook is abuzz over this phenomenon.....with status updates such as: "I opened my windows for 40 degree weather!" "I'm actually cleaning because of this weather!" "We went outside today and it was amazing!" "RAIN?!" "Let's lay out!"

Iowans are funny. Because who can truly appreciate the hints of Spring like an Iowan can? An Iowan who has endured snow, sleet, ice, fender benders, ditches, and rollovers, school closings, snowblowing, shoveling, and FREEZING temperatures for months on endless month? Way to go Iowans! We survived! You keep enjoying this phenomenon called "Spring". Because if we don't appreciate 40 degree weather...who will?


Anonymous said...

It's actually a symptom of underlying illness. It is called spring fever! And isn't it GREAT!? I saw real green on the ground and my favorite music is the sound of running water in the gutters!

mommyofmonkeys said...

I still can't believe I opened my windows, lol! My cousin in Hawaii was telling me that she turned on her heat when it hit 70 degrees. I was like umm that is practically short and tank top weather here! Yeah spring!