Thursday, March 18, 2010

Image free

I lost my camera cord. Not the USB easily replaced one. The one that I plug in to charge my battery. So, while I've been patiently waiting for it to find me, I've also been putting off a new blog post until I can decorate it properly with visual candy. However, it appears that my camera cord is not reappearing.

I guess I don't have much of a topic today. I just felt the need to write and I thought I could update you on new events around here. Perhaps you are bored beyond all belief at work and actually have time to care about what's new with me. In that case, this ones for you.

1. It's nice out. Surprise! We love this weather. We'll take 50's, even 60's this time of year. And I won't complain. In fact, we celebrate it. I hung clothes out on the line today (my all-time fav activity), the girls played and played and played outside. The neighbor boys recently decided it was ok to play with the girls since it's the girls or no one on our block....and they actually play really well together. Right now, they are playing ninjas and carrying around big sticks. I'm turning a blind eye to the whole thing in the name of fun...and they'll probably come home with a blind eye from running with sticks....but we'll leave this one up to chance. I mean, how many stuuuupid things did I do when I was little? And I lived...My friend and I used to drink straight from a little "stream" of "water" coming from a maintenance yard because the water was "clear" and didn't taste that bad. Hmmm...

2. I love coffee again. This is so awesome you guys. After a looong few months of lying on my death bed, I finally enjoy food and beverage again. Especially my favorite bev, coffee. I'm so glad it's back. In fact, I'm drinking it right now...and it's great. Amen.

3. I'm almost done with this blasted girl scout cookie nightmare. Why did I encourage Olivia to sell sell sell? Now we just have to deliver deliver deliver and collect collect collect. I think next year, I'll encourage her to meet a new, better goal of 20 boxes...instead of 200. I think she can do it.

4. I'm pregnant. For real. Wait, that's not news. You know what is though? I LOOK pregnant. In fact, people on the street may notice now. I'm in full blown maternity pants. It's nice to actually look pregnant, because now I no longer have to explain why I look/feel the way I do. It's clear. I think....unless....this is one of those times that my reverse anorexia is acting up. Instead of thinking that I'm fat when I'm actually skinny, I think I'm skinny when I'm actually fat. It's always a rude awakening when some evil person decides to "capture the moment" and take a picture of me. It's only then that I realize the truth about how I actually look. The shock is only temporary though...I'm quickly back to thinking I look amazing. Yep, I do. 

With this actually looking pregnant thing, I've actually begun to feel pregnant. My hips hurt. They're probably  wondering why there's so much extra weight sitting on top of them. Sometimes, after a hard days rockin, I can barely creak my joints across the room. I blame my "petite frame" for not being strong enough to bear this extra weight. (See above description of my disease to catch the sarcasm).

5. I feel happy. It's amazing what Spring does to me. I've raked and swept my yard (thanks for the idea Dan). I've put in little white anti-bunny fences around my growing plants outside. Thanks for the help Mom! I've scooped more dog poop than ever imaginable from my back yard. (Thanks no one but me). I've hung clothes on the line. I've gone on walks and actually enjoyed them. I've gone through my clothes and started spring cleaning. I've grilled out several times in the past 3 days. It's like waking up from hibernation around here. And it's beautiful.....

6. Wednesday, we find out if we have a little baby she or a little baby he. Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's funny how much I love your writing when you have "nothing to say". It's fun for me that we love the same things - amazing things like coffee and clotheslines. Life is good!