Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th everybody! I hope you have lots of plans for food and fireworks and sitting on blankets and being up way past your kids' bedtimes. I know we do!

Well, yesterday was a good day. It was the girls' last day at their daycare. We brought in Smileys (Walmarts version of fruit snacks). They really ARE the best, the Escalade of all fruit snacks. For this reason, we brought them. The girls made thank you cards for their teachers and so did I. Well, I didn't make them, I just wrote them on thank you cards. Anyway, despite the fact that they knew we were leaving for certain reasons, I just tried to be as thankful as possible. They told me they'd miss the girls a lot and we told them we'd see them around the big metropolis of PC, Iowa or at the pool. Either way, we're there all the time! So, we packed up our towels and suits, sunscreen and waterbottles, chapstick, immunization records, 14,000 pieces of artwork, and we made our way home. The long journey home...3 blocks away.

Sophie told me she doesn't want to make any more friends. She's at her limit apparently. It makes me feel guilty (not a new emotion for me), to think that I'm inflicting any pain on her little heart, but I have to think that this decision is for the common good. I think they will really like it there, at our new daycare, and I think it is going to be a better fit for our family. Olivia is very excited for the change. She can't get enough friends in her life, although she has to make sure that I agree several times to visiting the old friends and sending cards.

Sophie just came up the stairs and asked if she can have a popsicle. Is that how you spell popsicle? I don't think I've ever spelled it. Anyway, it's 8:30 am here and they've just had breakfast. On a normal day, I'd care, but today, not so much, so I told her to grab the scissors and I'd open it for her. Meanwhile, Olivia the sneaky fox grabbed the green one (Sophie's favorite) opened it, and starting eating it. (gasp!) Sophie FLIPPED out in total despair and cried that she could NOT have any other color because those colors are not special! I told Sophie to go talk to Olivia to see if she would trade. I heard Olivia tell Sophie matter-of-factly, "Green is your favorite? You think grass is your favorite?" And to this Sophie said, "GRASS is not my favorite. GREEN IS. YOU took it and that's my only favorite!" See? This is just like the drama in Young and the Restless! 20 minutes later (20 minutes of crying later), Sophie comes back upstairs beaming, clutching proudly in her little hands, a BLUE one! Angels sang as her tear stained eyes grabbed hold of the popsicle and smiled! She skipped away in her nighttime tshirt and bare bottom and I don't know where her panties went, but you know what? She is one happy girl.

Now that our popsicle crisis has been averted, today, we are going over to my friend Connie's house to swim with them and their little girl Chloe. Chloe is 2 and she loves to be a big girl with my little big girls. They could swim together for hours, and they do. Tonight, we will find some fireworks, somewhere. Connie says they always go park the truck in the mall parking lot and sit in the back of the pick up. Sounds good to me.

So, enjoy your day. Remember our freedom. We can have as many kids as we want, live the way we want, worship God the way we want, go to school the way we want, and we don't live in fear because of our decisions. Isn't that great?

Have a great day! Happy 4th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good thoughts. I kind of feel like I got to be with you on the 4th now. Not really...I miss you guys!!!!