Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am blessed to have a fabulous mom in my life, someone who has ALWAYS been there since the beginning of me, someone who has ALWAYS loved me since the beginning of me, someone who is responsible for the beginning of me. Thank you, Mom.

You taught me most everything I know. Since I've become a mother myself, you've taught me even more. I've pulled from the stored banks of memories in my mind and I find myself repeating words I've grown up with, phrases from you and Dad that I swore I'd NEVER say, but I do...and I love it.

I want to give my girls the same fun that we had growing up. Steve and I take them camping now, hoping for the same awesome army adventures for them in the woods. I teach them songs because of you, I pray with them because of you. I love them because of you.

And I'm sitting here wondering (besides God) if anyone in the world has more influence on the future than a parent? You influence one generation (so greatly) who influences the next and then next. What an honor! What a responsibility! An honor and responsibility that my mom lived perfectly.

I'm so thankful! I'm so thankful that my mom is here by me still, the one I call when things go great or horribly wrong, the one I rely on still for comfort in sadness (like a scraped knee) or maybe something more grown up now, but not different really. We just want her to kiss it away. And through words and gentle leading, we find it through her, we get there.

Mom, Bam, Grandma Jan: I'm so thankful for you! And I'm sure you look ravishing carrying your new purple clutch. All my love momma~


PS. Thank you for teaching me how to sew.


Lianna said...

I have the best Mama in the world!!! :)

Dan said...

Yep, the best one for sure!

Anonymous said...

My children make it so easy on me - I am truly blessed! Thank you for these wonderful words. My heart is overflowing! I could not be any happier than I am right now. And you know what? Here's the crazy thing...I BELIEVE YOU! Because I see what a great mom YOU are Melanie Lynn, and that's how I know I did something right. That right thing was prayer and trusting God to cover my mistakes with grace and bless you anyway. I am so thankful!