Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yesterday, Sophie and I had the honor of taking care of Hannah baby! We had a GREAT day. We played on a blanket inside in the morning and had a snack. Then we loaded up and headed to Old Navy to check out the sales. We spent quite a while in Old Navy and both girls were really good. Hannah started to fuss at the very end during checkout and I panicked! What do I DO? So I got into the large baby bag of goods and pulled out her cup of milk. When I turned around to leave, Hannah threw it on the floor and I realized she'd downed that sucker in 5 seconds! She must take after her dad. HA HA HA!!

Then we went to the mall to meet up with my friend Jama and her little guy Kaden. Hannah and Kaden are about the same age and we knew they'd have fun. We ate tacos then went exploring. Hannah peed on my lap at the table and then I changed her clothes. I forgot about this baby business!!! But she was so good the whole day! She fell asleep in her stroller as we searched for mother's day presents. When she woke up, we took the kids to play at germ world and they had a blast. Hannah stayed in the lion tunnel the whole time but was perfectly happy there. It was her domain.

In the afternoon, I laid out blankets in the back yard and Sophie and Hannah played together putting animals in purses. The day was gorgeous, sunny with big clouds and a slight breeze. Hannah helped me hang clothes on the line and then we sat on the porch swing and she fell asleep again. She is so precious! I love being an aunt!

Olivia came home on the bus and we had snack. Then the girls played until Amy came to get Hannah. It was a great day and it made me very thankful for my children too. Aren't they awesome? While we sat out on the blanket in the yard, I wrote for a minute in my journal. Here was my entry:

PS. Don't continue if you don't want SAP.


It's cinco de mayo--I just noticed! Not that the "holiday" means much to me (obviously). Anyway, today has been a fabulous day so far. I'm off (from work) for three days in a row, this being the second...and I asked to watch Hannah today. She is so incredibly sweet, and I've gotten the insight into life with baby again. We went to the mall; me, Sophie, and Hannah to meet some friends. I relearned carseat and stroller technique as well as how to carry a huge bag full of all that you'd ever need for baby until you realize there's something you need that you don't actually have in that massive bag. I bought tiny dresses at Old Navy and fed the girls mall food and we played at germ world/play place. I can't help but be caught up with their childhood lately. It goes so fast! People always told me that, but I didn't necessarily believe it. Now I do- as I watch my "little" Livy jump out of the back seat of the car with a backpack on her shoulders...She's so big. She runs off to the door and I just pray! (both silently and outloud at times) "Please turn around! Please look back!" And it gets further and further away each time when she thinks of it. And I know, soon, it won't cross her mind at all. Sighhh...DEEPLY...

I remember my childhood memories, the ones that are carefree and awesome. I want those for my girls too. I want them to remember awesome days, in our own back yard, on our walks to and from the park, and swimming at the lake. Remember who showed them how to build the sand castle walls or the best hiding spots in hide and seek. How do I make sure this comes true?

I've decided to become more aware. Even though cliche- what if this day were my last? Or, God forbid, theirs? Would I say?: not now, no, leave me alone, get out of the kitchen!? Would I send them downstairs so I could watch a TV show?

So, for now, I smile while I fold the tiny skirts and dresses. I scrub their hair with yummy smelling bubbles. I make nice dinners and funny snacks. I tuck them in, listen to their jokes, fears, and issues. I read to them and them to me. I ride bikes with them as far as we can go and remember to teach them all that I know. I protect them from harm, but push them along slightly to venture out on their own. How do I keep these days from slipping away?

I used to think I was SO done with having babies. Now, I wonder if I might be SO wrong! Ha! There isn't much better than this out there! Not a thing in the world. I pray each morning for one more day, long lives for my girls, success in what they hope for, and safety from harm. May God continue to grant these things to us.

I snuck up on them to get this shot

Sophie refuses to look at the camera but still wants her picture taken!

Playing in the yard

Pretty Hannah baby

A happy day...


Tara said...

You're such a great mom, Mel. I wish I got to taste your zest for lovin' your babies week in and week out.

So wanting to be the friend you met at the mall,

Lianna said...

at the part where you said "Sigh..DEEPLY", I thought, "Swallow sadness....Send some faxes!"

Just to lighten the mood. :)

You're a fabulous Mama!!! Your daughters may not remember every detail, but they will remember how you made them feel and all the love you give!!

Dan said...

Glad you had fun with Hannah! She came home so happy so I'm sure it was a great day for her too. Thanks for being such a good aunt!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you made me cry! I have heard it said that you don't know if you are a good parent until you see how your grandchildren are treated. You make me proud! What a great mommy you are (and aunt, and daughter of course)!