Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wait loss

So I'm a slow loser. Is that good? :) True to my word, here is my update: This week I lost 2.2 lbs. for a total weight loss of roughly 18 lbs. I thought it was more but it turns out I am a poor mathematician. And I gained a few one week. But I'm back on track, have lost what I've gained, and am now proudly smaller than I've been in years. I have a new goal to aspire to: 8 lbs. by May 30th. My good friend Amy and I are going to Chicago to visit our newly engaged friend Katie. Amy is also losing weight and we've set this goal together. I'm really hoping to achieve this and I think I can. I've started to ride my bike more because I'm getting ready for the Firecracker 40 (a small town bike ride equaling 40 miles that spans across little towns such as Farmhamville & Gowrie). True Iowans are laughing right now. But I'm excited! I've realized that I haven't tried very hard these past couple weeks but I've still lost a few. But now I'm serious about it and back on track and I think I can achieve more. It's just such a process...such a wait. But I'll get there!

In other humorous news, a mom from Sophie's daycare called me tonight. We're pretty good friends so I didn't think it was weird. But when I answered, she said her son Jackson wanted to talk to Sophie! So I put Sophie on. She buckled down onto the stairs with phone in hand beaming ear to ear and said, "Hi Jackson!" He said something..... Then she said, "I love you. You have my heart and I have your heart. Bye!"

GASP!!!! Now I knew they had a kiddie romance going. But REALLY?!!! Ha! :)

Jackson's mom was equally thrown back. "DID YOU HEAR THAT?!!" She screamed into the phone. And I just couldn't stop laughing!!!!!!

Cheers to young love-



Tara said...

Dude, I'm an Iowan and I've never heard of those towns! But I totally like the idea!

Go get 'em girl! And hey, show the public some more pictures of our hot loser mama!


mommyofmonkeys said...

Oh that is too cute! Young love! Ethan came home from school telling me that he got married and now whenever he talks about her he always refers to her as "my wife, Lyndse." Kids are too funny!