Saturday, October 24, 2009


El sicko. Me. Home from work. Short non-sentences.

I have the body aches, chills, hot flashes, and sleepiness. Nice.....

Olivia played hard in her last soccer game of the season today without her mama on the sidelines. Ouch. (Mainly for me). When I came home from work an hour early and knew I couldn't possibly go, I broke the news to her, telling her how much I wanted to be there and how she should play like a stud like always and tell mama all about it when she got home. I was begging for kid-mercy.

Not missing a cue from her H1N1 prep from school, she replied pragmatically, "You really shouldn't go out in public when you have the flu, Mom. You are supposed to stay home and rest. If you were not sick and didn't come, I'd be upset. But you can't come because you're sick. Of course I'd forgive you!"

Replies my 30 year old grown up daughter. Handing out some grace to her mama. Gotta love that kid.

Well, sitting here in my big chair, barely able to sit up and blog it, I'm sipping cherry 7Up courtesy of Steve and the rest of the fam is out at the pumpkin patch. Sigh. Oh well, might as well enjoy the people silence with a little college football for background music.

Here's to soup, 7Up, Lysol, Clorox Wipes, and "hanitizer" (aka-O&S version of hand sanitizer). Happy Flu Season everyone!!!


Tara said...

You got the virus?!?! Oh nooooooooo! Meanwhile I'm kickin' it here en la casa with someone deemed H1N1-sick and all I've got is a tickle in my throat. Okay, and a cough. So seriously, here's hoping it doesn't keep you down into next week.

And hey, way to go with that parenting thing - you've totally taught her the way she should go and *it shows*.

Love you mama,

Anonymous said...

Oh, sad! I am sorry you are sick! I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Listen to your daughter and stay home now, OK?