Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Man, that's tough

So, it's once again, confession time. I hate confession time. It makes me admit that I've been wrong, and who likes to be wrong? Not many a folk do, especially ones who are consistently me.

Ok, sorry. Truthfully, I am nearly never right, but I always think I am. So, when I'm wrong it's a big bummer. In addition, speaking your faults is not the funnest thing to do (most fun, I meant). But, even so, I find it necessary to get back on the path I need to be on, so here goes. Sigh...

I trudged back to LA weightloss today, tail between my legs so to speak, having maintained my good weight loss throughout the summer and then some, clearly I didn't need help anymore. I was on my way! And the drive was inconvenient, and I wasn't eating the bars much anyway. I'd save gas and not go, yes. It would all be just fine. I'd continue to lose. For sure.

Or, I'd start a new job this fall and eat every night as much as possible while waiting for patients to show up. Either way.

Shoot. Luckily, I haven't done more than a few pounds damage. But it did teach me a lesson. No matter what you do in life, help is nearly always necessary. Help comes in many forms, the most obviously necessary, God. Second can be other people, other resources, other places. Whatev. For this particular problem, I need a place to go to weigh in, someone watching over my shoulder a bit, someone encouraging me to continue on the path I've set out on. And although I won't always have LA, nor always need LA, I will always need help in some form. I'll always need a friend or family member to keep me on the straight and narrow/thin path...he he he.

My need to stop eating Hot Tomales and Gobstoppers and cereal all night might be someone else's need to stop gossiping, or overspending, or being prideful. It might be anger issues, or lack of faith, or fear of commitment. It's what makes you fall from God's and your own expectations. There's a voice down deep that speaks the truth to you. It's the "you know better than this" voice. It fights against the "I've got it all under control" voice. The IGIAUC voice says things like: I could stop if I wanted to. I'm just not ready yet. I'll do it soon. Who's it hurting anyway?

Maybe you are a bit like me, and perhaps, you need a little help too? I don't know this for sure. It's only a sneaking suspicion that I can't be this alone in the world. And if it is true, please don't regress like me. Do not give in to the lying voice that tells us...."we've got it all under control".

Me: Discipline. Yuck.

God: Discipline. Worth it.

Me: Fine.

Whatever it is you long to do or not do, you can do it er not do it... Just don't forget the most important part: the form of God first, then others. We truly are better together.

I know I am better with God, you, and a decent weight loss plan. Who/what do you need?


Anonymous said...

When you told me on the phone you were going back to LA, I thought I should do it too. I thought, maybe I will just eat a few more pieces of that chocolate Darrell got me and one more choc chip cookie Carol made for me. THEN, I will do better. when you put things off til later, later never shows up. Maybe I should start now. Thanks for the courage to do it now and to encourage the rest of us.

Tara said...

Again, I love you and I love reading your words.

This girl needs help too...I don't quite yet have it pinpointed. I need to have a bare-it conversation with God and then we'll be able to move forward together!

Love you mama,