Friday, February 19, 2010


Olivia starred in her 1st grade concert last night. She was the most gorgeous, animated singer up there...hands down. Total Broadway material. (Not that I'm partial or anything.) Anyone would agree.


Pictures don't come out well from the gym, so....

Here are some highlights from the evening:

Dan, Amy, and Hannah came too!

Olivia rummaging through my purse before the concert

My big girl

If you want to destroy my schweater....sweaters courtesy of Aunt Amy and Uncle Dan for Christmas. These were life savers, considering Olivia now owns NO dress clothes that fit her. Oops.

Sophie insisted I take a picture with her cats and boa. O...K...

The only picture we could get where Sophie didn't stick her tongue out or have a thumbs up.

My snow lady. Isn't she precious?


Kurt said...

It's the mama face! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Woman, you look *beautiful*! I'd say glowing, 'cause you are, but not in a "pregnant" sort of way, you just look fabulous!

Love you,

amy powers said...

Love the pictures and we were so happy to attend the event!