Saturday, February 27, 2010

So many hours!

My family is gone this weekend. Last time they were gone, I cried for a week. This time, I cried when they left (thank you pregnancy), and then I got a raging headache from crying and decided crying was no longer acceptable because of it's consequences. Since then, I've learned to enjoy this time to myself. Sure, I still miss them. Terribly. But I....

went out to eat
visited an elementary school sock hop and danced with a million little kids (I actually knew one of them) :)
donated some canned food items
shopped at Target (daily)
picked up girl scout cookies
went to a pampered chef party
paid bills
hung out with Rosie Posie Clark and played nintendo
did the dishes (this was only necessary once). I had a cereal bowl in there and a plate. I nearly fainted.

and now I'm sitting here thinking how many hours there are in the day! What now? I never knew there were so many hours. With no one to pick up. No one to drop off. No dinner to make. No breakfast to make. No baths to give. No clothes to set out. No homework to do. No girl scout meetings or conferences or concerts or anything! What's a girl to do?

I don't know. But I hope it involves some cheesecake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! This reminds me of a card I read. Fancy lady at a desk says something like, "Working on my thesis, sponsored 10 third world children, gave blood, went to the gym, and addressed the UN....and I'm taller. Your turn." YOU TOTALLY WIN!!!! :-)