Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pregnancy thoughts and musings

You know, they say that after you've had a few babies, things can be different. "Things" is a tad broad....what I mean is, this pregnancy of mine is NOT like the others. Besides the obvious 2 months worth of vomiting and not leaving the house or the couch, I find my belly pushing out in a pregnant fashion MUCH sooner than before and MUCH sooner than appreciated. But there's been some good things too, like I can feel the baby move. They say you're not supposed to feel it for a few more weeks, unless of course, you've had a few...babies. So whether or not believes me or not, I totally feel the little lime sized baby in there. Swimming, flipping, thumping me. It's a strange feeling that I pretty much forgot all about in the past 5 years; albeit a good one.

I also forgot about the really awesome things people say and do to pregnant people. Here are some of my favorites:


"WOW! You are about ready to pop!" Mkay. I haven't had to endure this one YET, but inevitably, more than one person will say this to me come months 7-9. "POP" makes me think of zits and that is NOT how babies come out. Nor do I wish to consider my actual size or weight at 9 months.

"WOW! You look much further along than that!" For obvious reasons, this is offensive.

"Are you going to have more kids after this one?" Has anyone ever thought they wanted to have more kids during their current pregnancy or before/after/during labor and for the 2-5 years following those events? I mean, except those phenomenally special easy pregnancy people who had a 5 minute labor and not a moment of morning sickness the entire time. This conversation doesn't offend me, it just makes me laugh.


Homeless men at the bus stop who reach out and rub your belly. Or anyone really, who doesn't ask first. Please.

Overall at this point, I'm starting to enjoy my pregnant days. I broke down today and looked at a lil Liz Lange maternity clothes at Target. I didn't die. And there were a few cute things I could wear while maintaining a small amount of dignity. However, I'm holding out for the warmer days that are coming SOON so I can wear my summer dresses that I love...that I have always looked pregnant in, but now, I can look pregnant proudly and on purpose.

I don't barf anymore....I sleep TONS (which is lovely)...I'm a bit snippety, but who isn't this time of year?...that's what I say anyway. And I'm sticking to that. And despite the temps in the teens last night, Dairy Queen tasted AMAZING. Like a cool drink of water in the desert.

Well, this concludes my pregnancy thoughts and musings. Have a fabulous February day. :)


Anonymous said...

I love you, Mel! Thanks for enduring the shame. :-)

Robyn Clevenger said...

Enjoyed the post, Melanie! The other day someone said to me 'You actually look pregnant'...wasn't sure what to make of it. I mean I AM 26 weeks pregnant...I would think it was okay to look it. *sigh*