Thursday, February 18, 2010


Here is Olivia's valentine aka "valentimes" (One of the few mispronunciations we have left). She made it at school and brought it home for me.

It's heart shaped, colored in a vast rainbow of colors. It says this (also written in rainbow letters):

"I Love my mom. she is osem. she is 27. she Loves me and I Love her. she tacks me to the mole."

I'm officially changing my spelling of the word "awesome" to osem. It makes more sense. And I love that she stated my age. I don't know why. It must have been important to her. And although I rarely take her to the mall, I'm glad she appreciates it.

Being a mom is osem isn't it?


Nicki said...

I'm glad you pointed out that you take her to the mall cause I was struggling with the idea of you tacking her to a mole...she's adorable!

Debbie said...

Osem post! :-)

Kurt said...

That, my friends, is a Valentine. I'm feelin' the love, mama, feelin' the LOVE.

Big hugs to you and your adorable yours,

Lianna said...

I'm coming to DSM on Saturday! Will you tack me to the mole? :)