Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My oh my

I get tired of being pregnant sometimes. You know, when my hips hurt and I waddle....or my thighs are bigger than ever and rub together, or when even maternity clothes don't seem to fit quite right. I have trouble sleeping, and I get hungry and eat bad things. I get moody and sad and anxious. But hey, pregnancy gives us the very best gift in the world....a new person! So it's worth it, right?! As I'm patiently awaiting these last two months to fly by so we can meet our precious genius baby, I have found myself starting to think of things I'll do when I'm not pregnant anymore.

However, my list is not that involved....

1. Sleep on my stomach...if I get to sleep
2. Go for a run...if I'm able to run
3. Take I can play with my kids when I didn't get the proper amount of caffeine for the day.

Now, contrast the above list with this real life posting by me....a long, long 8 years ago, written by my nineteen year old self while pregnant with Olivia. 

Here are some goals for my life after olivia shows up:

go on a diet!!!! i am going to smoke a whole pack of
cloves, drink two beers (one from each hand), and go
on a rollercoaster, jump into a pool, sleep on my
stomach, take a hot bath, run into the door and not
worry about it, wear my old clothes, go running, take
a shot with a friend who turned 21,  wear highheeled
shoes, wrestle and not worry about my belly, fall on
the ground really hard and just get up, go down a
waterslide, paint my own toenails instead of steve
doing it, put on my shoes while standing up, wear a
short shirt, wear a normal sized bra, drink coffee
that is fully caffinated, lots of mountain dew, go
rollerblading with no fear of falling over backwards,
put on my socks without sitting on the floor, tread
water and not dive face down into the water from the
weight of my belly, wear sexy underwear again, stop
sleeping on a heating pad, stop buying chips and
cookies and junior mints, zip up my coat, play rugby,
sit in a hottub, go fourwheeling, snowmobiling, and
iceskating, go out with my friends and not worry about
the smoke, wear a swimsuit and best of all....

play with my tiny baby girl that is perfect since i
decided to give up all these things.

My oh my, how things change. First of all, it drives me INSANE that I didn't use capital letters and proper punctuation. Having said that....I can also honestly say that: I am now adamantly against smoking anything, I don't drink (except for an occasional wine cooler when I'm feeling super classy), I wouldn't jump in a pool if my life depended on it...although I may do it to save my kid if the weather's been years since I had a friend who was 21 and it's been years since I've taken a shot, I don't wear high heels even when I'm not pregnant, I'd rather die than wear a short shirt, and "sexy" underwear sits in my unmentionables drawer largely untouched. What exactly IS a "normal sized bra"? And even if I went to a bar, you can't smoke there anyway. I'd break every bone in my body if I tried to play rugby again, and wearing a swim suit is an absolute last resort in all situations.


My oh my, how things change. :)

However, there are some similarities between the 19 year old me and the 28 year old me...I still love Mt. Dew, coffee, and junior mints. And I love my babies more than life itself.

Other than

I wish I could talk to that girl again :) I wonder what I'd say.  


Anonymous said...

Wow, that seems so long ago, but yet not! You have grown so much, my daughter (and I am not talking about pregnancy, you silly!) I still love the 19 year old in you, and I love the woman you have become, and I love those beautiful babies that you and Steve make. Life is good!

Debbie said...

That was really funny! The things that matter to us at different stages of life! HA! I think you've changed a lot since I first met you like 4 years ago... all in good ways, of course! I'd say we should go out and do a shot after the baby is born, but I'm too old for that! :-)

Unknown said...

Oh, boy, it seems like yesterday you were pregnant with Olivia! I miss ibuprofen the most I think!

Unknown said...

ps that was Nicki who wrote the comment from info - not sure why it showed up that way:)