Monday, June 7, 2010


It's funny sometimes...when you make plans.

Like, I plan on going to the park today.

I plan on eating salad for lunch.

I plan on shaving my legs.

And after it rains out your park date,  and you stop on the way home for a slice of Casey's pizza, and you skip the shower all together for the season finale of Desperate Housewives, you realize....sometimes the best laid plans go awry.

I planned on taking six weeks off of work for maternity leave. I planned on having my baby in August. I planned on working up until my due date.

But then, on Saturday night, I started contracting and cramping, and it just didn't go away. And after a night in the hospital and lots of drugs, I'm doing better and I'm back home. But the ultrasound said the baby was bigger than expected, that he looked like he was about 3 weeks further along than we thought he was. I can't walk across the living room without contracting, and it makes me wonder what will happen to my awesome plans. My precious precious plans.

It's all fine and good to say you can't work anymore, except when you are the one who supplies the health insurance to your family.

It's all fine and good to take time off of work, if you hadn't been sick the fall before and used up a few weeks of that already.

Even though I don't know what will happen...will the baby come early? Will I make it to my due date? Can I work anymore? Will I be put on bedrest? Who will take care of the girls? How will we pay for this and that? Will I keep my job? What about insurance?....I suppose I just have to trust. God knows how things should work out, and I just have to trust in that.

I know there's nothing more important than the health of this baby. 

So meanwhile, I'm just hanging out, waiting to see how things might work out. Because you know what they say about the best laid plans.....they often go awry.


mommyofmonkeys said...

Bummer Mel : ( I hope everything goes better! I know its impossible but try not to worry too much!

Just a Boring Mother said...

Praying for you lady!!!

Kendra Wheeler said...

Wow Mel! If you only knew how much of this applies to my life these days...I am not just saying this but i TOTALLY understand the thoughts going through your head right now.

I am doing the same thing...trusting that God does already have every single day planned out already. That he knows the plans ahead of us and that it is all going to be okay.

I am praying for you and your crew! Take care of yourself.

Debbie said...

The Brasiers are praying for you too. Take it easy, sister! (I try to "prepare" instead of "plan" because plans so often change.)

Jane D. said...

I got behind on your blog and just caught up. Sure praying for you and baby and the crew!