Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Go play in the street!

Our little cherry tree is loaded with bright red juicy cherries this year. Today, we harvested a bowl. There's still plenty left too. Check 'em out!

Did I also mention that Sophie is a bike riding fiend now? Biker babe extraordinaire?

And her sister too.
And a little yard ramping riding that I objected to fervently and Steve says I'm a crazy old person yelling "get off my lawn" while shaking my cane at the whippersnappers and sitting in my lawn chair. But I say, why do I want a bike path in my front yard? Go play in the street kids!!! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can be that old lady yelling at kids to get off the grass as long as you follow it up with homemade cherry pie...and invite me. Yum!
